Research Directory

International Journal of Music, Heath and Wellbeing, Autumn 2024, 1-21  Pendenza, F. BRIEF SUMMARY This study collected perspectives on Alexander lessons among 133 UK Higher Education (HE) music…
Hanefeld N, Glover L., Jomeen J. & Wadephul F. (2021) Women’s experiences of using the Alexander Technique in the postpartum: ‘…in a way, it’s just as beneficial as sleep’ European Midwifery, 103…
European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 56, 102200. Glover L., Wolverson E. & Woods C. (2022)   Summary This paper presents findings from a study of Alexander Technique (AT) teachers’…
  International Journal of Care and Caring (published online ahead of print 2022) Woods, C., Wolverson, E., & Glover, L. (2022)   Summary  Why is it that a person taking lessons in the…
Wolverson, E., Glover, L. &  Clappison, D..J (2022)  Self-Care for Family Carers: Can the Alexander Technique help? Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 46, 101546  In this small-scale…