Research Directory

Kinsey D., Glover L. & Wadephul F. (2021) How does the Alexander Technique lead to psychological and non-physical outcomes? A realist review. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 46, 101371…
The Journal of Dementia Care 2021; 29: 15–17 Charlotte Woods   CONTEXT The Covid pandemic has brought into stark relief underlying vulnerabilities and inequalities in social welfare in the UK.…
Kinesiology Review 2020; 9:199–213 Timothy W Cacciatore, Patrick M Johnson, Rajal G Cohen   Published abstract The Alexander technique (AT) has been practiced for over 125 years. Despite evidence…
Kinesiology Review 2020;9:190–198 Charlotte Woods, Lesley Glover, and Julia Woodman Summary This article was written for a special issue in the journal Kinesiology at the request of the Editor,…
MTNA e-Journal, February 2020 issue (peer review journal from the Music Teachers National Association) Gabriella Minnes Brandes, Jennifer Condie, and Aleah Wielinga Brief summary This case study…