Learning the Alexander Technique can help experienced and non-experienced dancers of all ages. It is being taught across the world work in numerous dance schools, in various dance companies, and to individual dancers.
Dancers often have high levels of movement skills and dance and express themselves beautifully. However many simply use unnecessary effort and tension and frequently suffer injury or even have to retire early. This could be the result of poor underlying postural coordination, pressures of performance, or faulty learning strategies.
Learning the Technique will help you address these issues.
You learn to become aware of and change faulty postural and movement patterns, move more freely and rest constructively.
Dancers who have had Alexander lessons also report enhanced artistic performance, including qualities such as:
- flow
- presence and depth in movement
- sequencing
- dynamics
- capacity to improvise
- and confidence
The added dimension the AT brings to your dancing will help you prevent injury and enhance your enjoyment and skill.