Free up! Alexander Technique group drop-in classes - Todmorden

Ongoing session


    Improve awareness of postural and muscular habits
    Learn to apply Alexander’s techniques to move without unnecessary strain
    Improve awareness of your own anatomy
    Benefit from the active rest exercise

Timetable (see table below for more detail)

    1.30 Active rest
    1.45 Practical anatomy with Bob the skeleton
    2.05 Activity with hands-on work
    2.35 Game (or break)
    2.45 Reading/ discussion
    3.00 Close


    Course type
    First session free then pay as you feel
    07977 598064
    Start Date
    End Date
    Tuesdays 1:30-3:00 pm during term time

    Active rest (also known as semi-supine position) is a simple and free exercise that anyone can do. It has multiple benefits:

        Gives the back a rest
        Calms down the nervous system to create conditions where musculature can release
        Recalibrates our internal body map (also called body schema).

    The teacher will talk through a simple set of instructions to guide your thinking as you lie with your back flat and allow musculature to release.

    Practical anatomy will involve looking at one aspect of our anatomy making use of Bob the full-size skeleton. The approach will be practical rather than academic. The aim is to sharpen up your internal body map - knowing accurately where the bits of your body are is important for integrated movement. Spring term will look at joints, summer term at individual muscles and then move on to ‘ anatomy trains’ i.e. groups of muscles and fascia that tend to work together.  

    Activities will be simple tasks like climbing a step. We will demonstrate how to apply Alexander’s techniques to avoid unnecessary strain when performing the task. You will practice applying the techniques in groups of two or three During these sessions I will aim to give some hands-on guidance to everyone who attends as far as numbers allow.

    Games - some weeks we will play simple games in a group, like ‘robot arms’. These games are designed to give a fun opportunity to practice observation of postural habits in yourself and in others.  

    Reading and discussion will be in a group. We will read from a book about the Alexander Technique and discuss the content drawing on experience from the activities and in daily life.

    Teachers' days. On the last session of each half term, qualified Alexander teachers and trainees will be invited to take part free of charge. Following the drop-in session the space will be available for work exchange for teachers and trainees until 5pm.

    What is Alexander Technique?

    Alexander Technique is usually taught with a combination of verbal instructions and hands-on guidance to help you adopt freer and more efficient patterns of movement. Without knowing it, most of us use more effort than is really needed to perform basic tasks, for example we may tense the neck or knees when the task can actually be achieved better without it. Excessive muscle tone causes unnecessary wear on joints, makes us tired and our movements ill-coordinated. Often though, habits of 'overuse' persist simply because we are not aware that life is easier without them.

    Around 1900, Alexander developed simple but powerful techniques through which we can 'unlearn' unhelpful habits of overuse. Taking these techniques into your daily life should, over time, enable you to do what you need with less effort, better posture, more enjoyment and often with reduced pain. It can take time to unlearn deeply ingrained habits but most students will start to feel benefits after a few lessons.

    In hands-on work, the teacher will work with the hands to guide you into more efficient ways of moving. With guidance from a skilled teacher your body can learn new, more efficient postural patterns more quickly. Most students report feeling lighter and freer after these sessions and if they come with pain this is often reduced - this is probably because their body has learned to work without some of the tension that has become habitual but is not needed.

    Who should attend?

    Anyone who wants to move with more freedom including:

        Musicians and performance artists  
        People with back or neck ache
        People concerned about their posture
        Sports men and women including horse riders
        Anyone using tools