STAT has Affiliated Societies in other countries which adhere to mutually agreed and published standards. Their independent website is www.alexandertechniqueworldwide.org
The aims of the Affiliated Societies include
- to maintain and improve professional standards;
- to make the Technique more widely known and educate the public about the Technique;
- to facilitate contact and communication between members;
- to encourage research into the Technique; and to
- to prevent abuse and exploitation by untrained people.
Regular meetings are held between representatives of the Affiliated Societies in pursuance of these aims.
There are affiliated national societies in the following countries. Click on a country to visit that society's website.
- Argentina (AATA)
- Australia (AUSTAT)
- Austria (GATOE)
- Belgium (AEFMAT)
- Brazil (ABTA)
- Canada (CANSTAT)
- Denmark (DFLAT)
- Finland (FINSTAT)
- France (APTA)
- Germany (ATVD)
- Israel (ISTAT)
- Mexico (APTAM)
- The Netherlands (NeVLAT)
- New Zealand (ATTSNZ)
- Norway (NFLAT)
- South Africa (SASTAT)
- Spain (APTAE)
- Switzerland (SBAT/APSTA)
- United States of America (AmSAT)
There are also organised groups of STAT-accredited teachers in the following countries (click on a country to visit their website):
STAT is not responsible for the contents of the websites of the Affiliated Societies, or those of the “networks” of STAT certificated teachers in Japan and Sweden. These websites are the responsibilities of the individual associations.