Why not join STAT as a Supporter to keep in touch with developments both within the Society and the wider Alexander Technique community?
Benefits of your Supporter membership
As a Supporter you will receive the Alexander Journal, which is full of interesting and varied articles on many aspects of the Alexander Technique. You will also get our newsletter Statnews in January, May and September, as well as any other publications produced by STAT.
Statnews is full of articles, letters and reviews contributed by members of STAT regarding the work of the Society and the Alexander Technique, keeping you up to date with news about the Technique and the views aired by teaching and student members.
Supporters are also welcome to attend the annual memorial lecture which is held every year after the Annual General Meeting, where you can also meet other Supporters, Teachers and Students of the Alexander Technique.
How to join
Just contact the STAT Office and request an application form by phone on 020 8885 6524 or by email at stat@alexandertechnique.co.uk
Please contact the STAT Office by phone on 020 8885 6524 (UK) or +44 208 885 6524 (calls from outside the UK)
Friends of the Alexander Technique
Please note that the Friends of the Alexander Technique, which is supported by STAT, is a different organisation. For more information please click here.